The Master Leasing Program is now accepting new participants. In partnership with the county of Lycoming, the Master Leasing Program, formerly ran by the Transitional Living Center (TLC) is a housing initiative to assist Lycoming County residents that are considered hard to house, such as those who are re-entering society from prisons and other institutions, mental illness, and those experiencing homelessness or living in a shelter. The overall goal of this program is to help these residents gain housing stability, while also addressing other barriers that have hindered them from self-sufficiency previously. The program is administered by STEP on behalf of Lycoming County, which holds the current grant from Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency (PHFA), the primary funder for the program.
In addition to alleviating the immediate need of stable housing, and through completion of a Self-Sufficiency Matrix with a STEP Family Navigator, customers identify and address other barriers. These barriers may include education, employment, transportation, childcare, budgeting, as well as other barriers that often need to be addressed to ensure the customer can progress towards self-sufficiency.
The duration of the program for an active customer is up to 12 months based on their individual needs and will be limited for rental assistance, security deposit, and utilities. Successful outcomes for MLP will be measured based on whether the customer is in secure steady housing, has made progress to becoming self-sufficient, has developed a working budget, and has a savings fund with a minimum of $1000.
Eligibility Criteria for Enrollment
To be eligible to apply for the Master Leasing Program, the following criteria at a minimum must be met:
1. All customers within MLP must be a resident of Lycoming County for a minimum of at least one year (12 months).
2. Lack of suitable housing.
3. Have barriers that prevent them from finding or maintaining suitable housing.
4. Have a household income of 80% or less of the Area Median Income.
5. Participate and comply with all program requirements and rules, including participating fully in intensive case management.
Prior to enrollment, potential MLP customers are interviewed to ensure all eligibility criteria are met and to better understand their level of commitment. The corresponding referral partner, if applicable, will be invited to the interview as well to provide valuable input on the customer’s behalf. With the expectations of the program so rigorous, it is essential that STEP enrolls only committed and dedicated customers.
We are excited to offer this program to our community and further assist those who struggle with housing. If you know a family or individual who may be interested in this program, please have them review our eligibility criteria and complete an application at www.stepcorp.org/MLP.